Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fire saftey

Hi Everyone
We know that fire is very useful to man. It keeps us warm and helps us cook our food. However, when we lose control of fire, it will destroy humans, houses and everything that is in its way. Hence we know that 'fire is a good servant but a bad master'. In this journal writing, I would like you to reflect on the danger of fire and how we can prevent it. To help you, I have listed some questions below:
1. What do some children do when they play with fire? They burnt them-selfs or other things/people
2. Where do they often play with fire?They do it in the kitchen
3. Why do they play with fire?It Is because they thing it is fun
4. What would you do if you see a fire in your house or outside? If it is a small fire try to put it out if not call 995 and inform your parents/neighbour
5. How can you prevent fire from starting in your house or outside? Don't play with matches or lighters.
6. Do you think your house is well protected from fire? If 'Yes', what are the safety features you have in your house. If 'No', what can you and your family do to protect yourselves from fire? Yes.I have a smoke alarm

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